The vital aim of education is not merely to prepare the students pass certain examinations but to free them from close minds and mold them into intelligent human-beings full of real initiatives.The learning process must be a harmonious blend of academic excellence and real initiatives. Education is the backbone of society. It is a Challenging task to develop the complete personality of the students. We are committed to provide quality education to develop the personality of the future citizens of a dynamic and pulsating nation. We make a concrete effort towards the development of academics, sports and other activities to make each of our students a wholesome entity. We, at Mahesh International School have undertaken the task of creating worthy citizens of the country by exploring the various facets of education, your child is guaranteed the constant care and attention of gifted and dedicated professionals whose commitment to every student goes beyond the call of normal duty. We look forward to a warm and lifelong relationship with you and your child. The Chairman
Mahesh International School believes that every child is unique with his own set of skills & talent. We provide the child a perfect environment, which would help them recognizing their true potential.
Mahesh International School Mehkar, Dist-Buldhana, Maharashtra.